Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Late night election edition

Sen. Hillary Clinton wins
big in the Democratic primaries: Texas, Ohio, and Rhode Island. Obama wins Vermont. Republican John McCain clinched the GOP nomination. The numbers via CNN:

OHIO -- 92% of precincts reporting
Clinton 55%, 1,112,204 votes, 62 delegates
Obama 43%, 867,072 votes, 46 delegates
McCain 60%, 602,380 votes, 79 delegates
Huckabee, 31%, 313,060 votes, 0 delegates
Paul 5%, 46,481 votes, 0 delegates

RHODE ISLAND -- 98% of Democratic & Republican precincts reporting
Clinton 58%, 106,471 votes, 12 delegates
Obama 40%, 73,609 votes, 8 delegates
Uncommitted 1%, 1,012 votes, 0 delegates
McCain 65%, 17,342 votes, 13 delegates
Huckabee 22%, 5,766 votes, 0 delegates
Paul 7%, 1,761 votes, 0 delegates
Uncommitted 2%, 565 votes, 0 delegates

TEXAS -- 90% of Democratic precincts reporting
Clinton 51%, 1,364,045 votes, 16 delegates
Obama 47%, 1,262,137 votes, 10 delegates

TEXAS -- 93% of Republican precincts reporting
McCain 51%, 681,405 votes, 70 delegates
Huckabee 38%, 500,451 votes, 0 delegates
Paul, 5%, 67,293 votes, 0 delegates
Uncommitted 1%, 16,952 votes, 0 delegates

TEXAS Democratic caucuses -- 34% of precincts reporting
Obama 55%, 19,197 votes, 0 delegates
Clinton 45%, 15,480 votes, 0 delegates
Uncommitted 0% 32 votes, 0 delegates

VERMONT -- 86% of precincts reporting
Obama 60%, 82,498 votes, 9 delegates
Clinton 38%, 52,839 votess, 6 delegates
McCain 72%, 25,070 votes, 17 delegates
Huckabee 14%, 4,867 votes, 0 delegates
Paul 7%, 2,332 votes, 0 delegates

No candidate who has won the White House has walked into the Oval Office without winning Ohio. Maybe Obama should bow out of the presidential race for the good of the Democratic Party, eh? Of course, I jest but in the Obamasphere, the shrieks that Hillary should drop out have been unseemly and unDemocratic. So, suck it up. Hillary will fight all the way to the convention.

The biggest loser tonight--all the media hacks who have written Hillary off how many times now?