Sunday, May 14, 2006

THE slogan

Ari Berman at The Notion asks "Had enough?" and quotes a passionate Obama speech that illustrates the slogan perfectly. A clip:

Four years after 9/11, I've had enough of being told that we can find the money to give Paris Hilton more tax cuts, but we can't find enough to protect our ports or our railroads or our chemical plants or our borders.
I've had enough of the closed-door deals that give billions to the HMOs when we're told that we can't do a thing for the 45 million uninsured or the millions more who can't pay their medical bills.
I've had enough of being told that we can't afford body armor for our troops and health care for our veterans. I've had enough of that.
I've had enough of giving billions away to the oil companies when we're told that we can't invest in the renewable energy that will create jobs and lower gas prices and finally free us from our dependence on the oil wells of Saudi Arabia.
Hang up the faded mantle of the official Democratic motto, "Together, America Can Do Better." Thumbs up for, Had enough?