Monday, March 10, 2008

The late edition

Maybe Rembrandt didn't have this in mind

MSNBC fired Tucker Carlson! Pardon me while I quote Alex Blaze with exclamation points. "Hallelujah!!!"

The sublimely witty James Wolcott always entertains my intellect and Sunday--OMG!--he delivered a humdinger of a knock-out punch that made all my synapses light afire. If you're as weary as I am of the food fight in the Obamasphere, read The Sorrow and the Pity Party. Teh best.

Obama and the Muslims -- Republican Rep. Steven King of Iowa seems to think that "if [Obama] is elected president, then the radical Islamists, the al-Qaida, the radical Islamists and their supporters, will be dancing in the streets in greater numbers than they did on September 11 because they will declare victory in this War on Terror." ' Juan Cole aptly disputed King's nonsense.

In Spain -- Via Atrios, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's PSOE wins the election, "likely increasing their majority."

Jeralyn offers answers -- Why Did Obama Withdraw From the Michigan Primary? And I agree with her recommendation: "I think the DNC should remove the penalty from Michigan and Florida and seat the delegates. In Michigan's case, Hillary should get the delegates according to her vote total. The other delegates should remain 'uncommitted' and vote how they want when they get to the convention."

Clinton bloggers -- Tom Watson provides a summary of those who have braved the slings and arrows of the "vast armadas of angry commenters." Many of my favorite bloggers are on his list. Thanks, Tom. Count me in.

Listen up! -- Joe Conason offers advice to Obama: ". . .he should stop seeking to divert attention to [Hillary's] supposed ethical problems, and concentrate instead on responding to every serious question that is raised about his finances and his associations. He will have to address them all sooner or later. Sooner would be better for him, the party and the country." Salon Premium

Chelsea won't talk and CNN whines -- Olvlzl at Echidne of the Snakes puts it bluntly: "Anyone who is stupid enough to wonder why [Chelsea] doesn't choose to talk to the media, having grown up watching them trying to destroy her family with lies and distortions, is too stupid even for the cabloids." But if you must engage the media, tips from Rahm Emanuel.

Yippee! -- I would be remiss by not mentioning Democrat Bill Foster's victory in Illinois’ 14th U.S. House District. "Foster’s win marked the first time since 2004 that a political party won control of a U.S. House district from the opposite party in a special election. Upon Foster’s swearing in, he will become the 232nd Democrat in the U.S. House, which has 198 Republicans and five vacancies — three in districts where the Republicans are the defending party." CQ Politics

Wexler rocks -- Nicole at Crooks and Liars supplied video and email of Wexler's rebuttal to AG Mukasey's "refusal to enforce" congressional contempt citations. That's our nation's top law enforcement officer ignoring his duties. More at the C&L link.

Oh, Lambert! -- You made me swoon! Just kidding. . .but check Invisible Women for some brilliant blogging. An insight into the media's coverage of Obama perked up for me via this comment: "Could it be that the media oligarchs covet the youth demographic, and so pander to it in their coverage?" Aha! Now it makes sense. Duh.