Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Rush, you traitorous slut!

How is it that Rush Limbaugh can say this in 2005...

"We have the National Security Agency. We have this big listening device. We can intercept any bit of intelligence in the world, and e-mail, cell phones, satellite phones. We have the ability. The NSA has the ability to pull this stuff out of the air. There's so much of it it may be hard to go through, but it's there."
...before Bush's NSA wiretapping program was revealed by the NYTimes? Unlike Faux News, who characterized the NSA whistleblower as some puny, little traitor, no one called Rush a turncoat for informing terrorists of the far-reaching capability of the NSA. When Drudge published a link to a Jan. 5, 2006, WashTimes story that whistleblower Russell Tice was prepared to testify before Congress about the NSA wiretapping program, the Freepi went bananas:
He is not a whiisleblower [sic], he is a traitor.
Whistleblower? LOL...more like a traitor.
Not only is he a traitor, looks like he's going to go for the self-righteous grandstander defense. ...I predict the imminent arrival of a new insufferable liberal hump on the national scene. ...Kouric is already putting on smear-proof lipstick.
You are NOT a "Whistle blower" if you leak classified info to the Press. You are a felon and a traitor, NOT a whistelblower [sic].
Must not have gotten a promotion he wanted. By the way, why don't they call it "cry baby" instead of "whistleblower"?
This is just a "cover yer ass" Hail Mary move on the part of a traitor because he knows they will find him and hang him (figuratively). The New York Slimes probably told him that when they talk to Justice they will sing at the top of their lungs. He/she is being guided by the Slimes to take the 'martyr' road so they can try to defend him on their opinion pages and slant their reporting. Typical of the Slimes and the MSM.
Let the maggot "testify" but he/she/it should not be allowed to "plea bargain" or be given immunity. This maggot needs to be sent to prison for committing treason against the United States.
There's more chin-dribbling spittle to read that illustrates the curious double standard the conservative monster has. Uggggh, fire!... bad! Rush... umm... good! Liberals... ugh! Un-American! Government whistleblowers... grrrrrr! Traitors!

Does Big Brother Bush, Inc., monitor Limbaugh's calls and the con-apparatchiki as it does other reporters? Maybe and maybe not. Who knows? The Mighty Wurlitzer, the rightist propaganda machine that has swallowed up most of the Fourth Estate, a phrase I learned at Digby's Hullabaloo, isn't saying or objecting. But Rush, the con-apparatchiki, and buddies at Faux News have never had a grasp of the facts about the preznit's NSA warrantless wiretapping program. Evidently, neither did Bush. He stated publicly--perhaps an unconscious gaffe that slipped out in his enthusiasm to sell the renewal of the Patriot Act--during a Apr. 20, 2004, speech (with emphasis):
Secondly, there are such things as roving wiretaps. Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires -- a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we're talking about chasing down terrorists, we're talking about getting a court order before we do so. It's important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act, constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution.
Bwa-ha-ha! Ha!

An old media story that elevates the "so called liberal media" or SCLM to the level of legendary myth, the double standard still lives. Maybe I was too nice to Li'l Howie although he's well on his way to induction into the Hall of Media Shame. Nothing new. Move along.